
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The 2 Types of Microchurches

The Ecclesiastical Minimum in the Microchurch

Wherever we are seeing worship, community, and mission overlap, we are seeing the church of Jesus.

The centerpiece to a microchurch is “calling.”

To whom are you sent? Any one microchurch can’t reach “everyone”. So every microchurch must define a people, or a place, but ultimately the calling comes from God. As the microchurch walks towards their calling they must clarify and contextualize how to manifest worship, community and mission. This implies missional creativity and diverse methodology for microchurches. Read More

Also See:
5 Trends in Microchurches
Microchurches are very doable online and are one of the options for small congregations that have suspended worship services and Sunday school due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I am looking at launching an online microchurch in my area and plan to report on that experience.

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