
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Church Online: Transitioning Online Visitors to Future In-Person Attenders and More

Four Ways to Transition Online Visitors to Future In-Person Attenders

For those who feel overwhelmed at the prospect of an influx of new believers—or are worried they won’t successfully connect with “visitors” who have been tuning in to livestreamed worship services—here are some stratagems for how to engage people into the church family when this present pandemic subsides. Read More

The Dos And Don’ts Of Video Meetings

Well, the past few weeks of online classes and meetings has certainly revealed some interesting video conversations. It’s also shown some really bad behaviors by people on Zoom or Skype or Microsoft teams or whatever video platform individuals are using. The tales people are now telling are amazing and sometimes a bit bizarre. In fact, I was just in a video meeting with some colleagues who shared some crazy stories about things they have seen and heard. So, what are the etiquette rules for video meetings? Read More

4 Essential Keys To Lead Worship Online

Here are a few things worship leaders can think about when leading worship in this new era.... Read More

Why You Should Use Hymns

These days many worship leaders believe they’re too hip or cool to include hymns in their cutting edge praise sets. It’s their loss – and their congregation’s. Read More
Youtube has a number of videos of contemporary versions of traditional hymns with lyrics, which can be shared with the participants of a ZOOM meeting. Youtube also has traditional versions of these hymns with lyrics. The lyrics enable the meeting participants to sing along with the video.
How to Keep Your Youth Ministry Vibrant Through the Quarantine

Ways to make sure your students stay connected. Read More

3 Options for Leading Groups, Especially When You're Not "Techie."

By now, most of the early adopters have jumped on board and begun to host their group ministries through a variety of options, including Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Facebook. However, for those who are in the “technologically challenged” category, such a prospect seems intimidating inducing in an already stress-filled time. So, are there options for the non-techie? Of course! Here are some ideas that might be helpful, grouped according to the level of a person’s tech abilities.... Read More

9 Tips for Starting Online Small Groups

Congregations across the United States—and throughout the world—can take advantage of this convenient, low-cost way of expanding their geographic reach. As you create this new study venue, use these eight tips.... Read More
ZOOM has chat as well as video and audio. Participants in a ZOOM meeting can chat with each other privately as well as publicly, i.e., the conversation is shared with everyone.
7 Things to Keep in Mind When Hosting an Online Connection

When hosting an online small group connection there are a few things to keep in mind... Read More
There is an additional charge for the ZOOM Breakout Room option. A a cell group, home fellowship, house church, microchurch, or small group meeting online will not need it.

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