
Thursday, March 05, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Preparing Your Church for Coronavirus and More

Advice for Churches from the Surgeon General: Preparing Your Church for Coronavirus

The Surgeon General's advice for churches: good hygiene, and it's time to "limit touching, especially hand-to-hand.” Read More
Also see "Coronavirus information: How to stay safe." Outside of the United Kingdom those who are concerned about what they should do if they contract the corona virus should contact the local health authorities. I will post information from reliable sources on how to respond best to the coronavirus outbreak. I must note that President Trump is doing doing a great disservice to the American people in minimizing the seriousness of this outbreak in his public statements, even suggesting that Americans who contract the virus should go to work as they normally would and referring to WHO reports of the death rate from coronavirus " as false numbers."  He appears to be motivated by the fear that the outbreak will damage the US economy and his chances of reelection. Containing or delaying the spread of the virus in the US will require the cooperation of all of the American people, a cooperation that is not served by such misinformation. 
12 Questions That Bring Clarity to Your Church Finances

Honest conversation guided by good questions doesn’t make financial difficulties and challenges disappear, but it helps you navigate them as a united team. Read More

7 Church Leadership Trends for the 2020s

As I enter my 31st year of coaching and consulting churches, I’ve noticed certain trends in church leadership. Here are seven that will have the most impact in the next decade. Read More

Don’t Be Afraid to Preach for Conversions

In a culture intoxicated with the rationalization and justification of every possible lifestyle, calls for “immediate decision and acceptance of the gospel terms” will never be particularly popular. After all, to urge such decision is to declare implicitly that the way hearers are is not the way hearers ought to be. Read More

How to Memorize Worship Songs

There are a great many benefits when you memorize worship songs, allowing you to be more in the moment musically, more focused on the Lord spiritually, and more able to lead the congregation pastorally. As daunting as it may seem to memorize and internalize your worship music, you truly can do it. Read More

The Most Unsung Discipleship Tool in Our Churches

We are not called to make music—we are called to make disciples. Read More
This article is a repost. I reposted it because Mike Harlan makes some very good points.
Evangelism Formation: Created to Be CREATIVE for Christ

Are you prayerfully discerning where God is creatively leading in seeking the lost? Read More
Also see "Evangelism Formation: Three Major Challenges to Our Evangelism Today" and "Evangelism Formation: Our Treasure, Our Technology, and Our Togetherness."

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