
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: 'Is the Coronavirus Evil?' and More

Is the Coronavirus Evil?

Or is this part of life in the world God made? Read More

Give Us Clean Hands: Christians Embrace Scientific Responses to COVID-19

Amid the pandemic, NAE president says “the scientific community and people of faith really should serve as collaborators.” Read More

Faith Over Fear? No, It’s Political Ideology that Keeps People Unafraid of COVID-19

Before the coronavirus hit, conservative Protestant churchgoers were least concerned about a future pandemic. Read More

How Your Church Can Bring Stability to the Community during COVID-19

Here are ways the Church can be a source of stability—and have a strong public witness—during these seemingly uncertain times. Read More

3 Specific Ways the Church Can Be a Refuge in the Age of Coronavirus

How a congregation in Hong Kong is caring for their neighbors and pointing to the gospel during a pandemic. Read More

6 Reasons the Coronavirus Won't Likely Turn Churches Outwardly-- And What We Can Do about It

I read about the hope many of us have that this current global crisis will turn our churches toward the Great Commission, and I genuinely hope that’s the case. I’m convinced, though, that won’t happen apart from an undeniable move of God in our midst. Here’s why.... Read More

Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day

What we do, or don’t do, over the next week will have a massive impact on the local and perhaps national trajectory of coronavirus. We are only about 11 days behind Italy and generally on track to repeat what is unfortunately happening there and throughout much of the rest of Europe very soon. Read More

3 Ways Facebook Groups Can Bridge the 'Social Distancing' Gap in Churches

Here are three ways churches can use Facebook Groups to foster community among church members as we are asked not to meet (and also even when we start to meet again).... Read More

Many Churches Not Experienced at Livestreaming Services

The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for groups during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak recommended no gatherings of more than 50 people for eight weeks. As churches scramble to make decisions on how to move forward, new research finds many congregations are not prepared to shift their services online. Read More

Please note that the previous article states that the CDC are now recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people for eight weeks. It is much easier to trace the source of infection in small gathering than a large one. It is also easier to notify those who attended the gathering that they were exposed to the virus.The individual or organization hosting the gathering also needs to keep a record of who attended the gathering, where they live, and how they may be contacted.
COVID-19 Pandemic Update and Free Virtual Revitalize 2020 Information

Our team is committed to the work of church revitalization, and we are partnering with Idea Network and the North American Mission Board to offer a virtual Revitalize 2020 event on April 20 and 21, 2020 at no cost to you. Learn More

4 Tips for Persevering in a Rural Church

We come to this final “p” in replanting rural churches after considering the necessity of preaching, praying, and passion, with a call for perseverance. Read More

This Is My Body, Prepackaged for You

Coronavirus sparks demand for double-sealed communion. Read More
As the rubrics of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer's Communion of the Sick reminds us, it is not necessary to eat the bread or drink the cup to be a partaker of Christ's Body and Blood.

"But if a man, either by reason of extremity of sickness, or for want of warning in due time to the Curate, or for lack of company to receive with him, or by any other just impediment, do not receive the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood: the Curate shall instruct him that if he do truly repent him of his sins, and stedfastly believe that Jesus Christ hath suffered death upon the Cross for him, and shed his Blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giving him hearty thanks therefore; he doth eat and drink the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ profitably to his soul's health, although he do not receive the Sacrament with his mouth."
25 Hymns to Sing in Troubled Times

Here are 25 songs to sing in trying times. Though there’s a ton of relevant Christian music out there, I’ve limited myself to hymns suited for congregational singing, recognizing that many Christians won’t be able to sing with their churches this month. These songs may help soothe the wound of missing out on fellowship. For each song, I’ve selected an excerpt that especially seems to speak to our present situation. Click each title to read the full lyric, and listen to all 25 songs at this Spotify playlist. Read More

How to Help Our Kids Deal with Fears Surrounding COVID-19

There are time-proven ways to help children in scary times. Read More

Pro Church Website Tips For New Church Webmasters

So you’ve been named your church’s new website master? Part of my work includes providing quality information on building church websites, so I’ve reached out to experts in the field of church websites and asked for some helpful church website tips for those that are new to being a webmaster. Here is a list of tips that I think you will find extremely helpful as you start your journey of being a church website webmaster. Read More

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