
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Envisioning the Post-Coronavirus Church and More

What Will the Post-Coronavirus Church Look Like?

The coronavirus will move past its pandemic state at some point in the future. I am fascinated to see what our churches will look like on “the other side.” Here are eight likely developments.... Read More

20 Prayers to Pray During This Pandemic

As COVID-19 sends the globe into crisis, it also sends us to our knees. Read More

13 Creative Ideas for Coronavirus Quarantines

As churches face potentially significant time without in-person gathering, many are thinking through unusual and creative ways to encourage each other and their community. Here are some ideas that may be useful for your congregation. Read More

Tending the Lambs You Can’t Touch

In some contexts, perhaps the work of shepherding continues fairly normally. For many others, however, the daunting prospect of ministry in the season of COVID-19 entails more than simply figuring out how to live stream a service. If you can’t be near much of your congregation, how do you pastor them? Some suggestions.... Read More

8 Reasons Pastors Need Your Prayer Support in These Uncertain Days

I have never experienced anything like what the world is facing today. Everything seems unprecedented, and we’re walking paths we’ve not walked in our lifetimes. Our pastors—the under-shepherds God has given to lead us—need our prayer support these days. Here’s why.... Read More

4 Urgent Considerations for Churches Canceling Their Services

Here are four things every church should immediately consider, and especially those over 250 in attendance. Read More

Social Distancing and Gathered Worship

What now? What next? Read More

Dear College Students: The Mission Isn’t Canceled

University campuses across the nation are canceled due to COVID-19. For many Christian students this pulls you away from your campus ministries and the churches in your university context. Although you’re still taking classes online you may feel you have a lot of time on your hands, and no help for growing spiritually. You may be tempted to use this time to catch up on Netflix, video games, social media, or simply to take a break from the busy schedule you’ve been keeping. Read More

6 Children’s Sermons for Parents to Use at Home This Easter

During this season while church gatherings are postponed, children’s ministry leaders and parents wonder what to do with the kids on Sunday morning. What about their children’s sermons? their Bible lessons? How will they keep learning? Read More

Neighbor Love in the Era of COVID-19

Most of us pocketing hand sanitizer and clearing shelves of bread won’t need medical care for COVID-19. But in our panicked responses, we risk neglecting those who do. Read More

A Practical Way to Love Your (Self-Isolated) Neighbor

How do we love our neighbors now? How do we love them even if they’ve gotten the coronavirus? Read More

9 Ways to Work Efficiently from Home

Here is a nine-point outline for how to survive working from home. Read More

Christians Should “Rest” During the COVID-19 Shutdown

In light of the current coronavirus crisis, I want to highlight at least three ways—under the New Covenant and Christ’s finished work on the cross—that believers can and should rest. Read More

Why Social Distancing May Actually Help Us Reach Younger Generations

The paradigm of “social distancing” is being encouraged so that germs don’t spread, but as isolation is urged, an opportunity is rising. If approached with compassion and understanding, those who are secluded are proving to be willing to consider and respond to the claims of Christ. Read More

What Now When We Can't Meet? Putting the Mission into Missional

Start by mobilizing your church to meet small and serve big! Read More

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