
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Coronavirus FAQs: Is A Homemade Mask Effective? And What's The Best Way To Wear One?

Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been told by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not to wear masks unless they are sick, caring for a sick person who is unable to wear one or working in health care.

Numerous reasons have been given: That they don't offer significant protection from germs. That the most effective models need special fitting in order to work. That regular people don't typically wear them correctly. That they'll give people a false sense of security and cause them to be lax about hand-washing and social distancing.

And most of all: that there aren't enough masks and respirators for the health-care workers who desperately need them so leave the masks to them.

Now there are big changes to that policy.

The Trump administration announced Friday that the CDC is now recommending people consider wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Mayors in New York City and Los Angeles have already offered similar advice to citizens.

There's one big reason for the change: There is increasing evidence that the virus can be spread by presymptomatic and asymptomatic carriers.

These new policies come with the vital plea that people don't use the medical-grade masks that are in short supply in hospitals right now. That means one thing: The era of the homemade masks and face-coverings is upon us.

With this new attitude come many questions — which we'll attempt to answer here. Read More

Also See:
How to sew a face mask from common household materials
Remember: Wearing a face mask does NOT eliminate the need to stay home, washing your hands, maintaining a distance of six feet--the length of your extended arm, holding a broom fully extended--between you and other people. If you have been infected with the coronavirus and are asymptomatic, it will help prevent you from spreading the virus to other people if you must leave your home to purchase food or medication. The face mask should be washed after every use.

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