
Monday, April 06, 2020

Monday's Catch: God Is Still at Work and More

5 Ways the Coronavirus Is Making the Church Stronger

In the midst of the pandemic, God is still at work. Read More

10 Simple Ways to Evangelize During a Pandemic

Here are 10 simple ideas for leveraging this season to advance the gospel. Read More

The Decade-Old Ministry Book That Envisioned the Pandemic

How to multiply disciples beyond COVID-19. Read More

4 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Church for Future Crises

How then can we prepare for future crises while leading our churches through them? We’re still learning, but here are four actions that will help. Read More

Five Ways You Will Be a Different Pastor after the Pandemic

Though the biblical standards of pastoral ministry remain constant, how pastors carry out that ministry will change dramatically. In many ways, the changes are already taking place. Read More

10 Questions to Ask when Providing Pastoral Care by Phone or Video Chat

Having these specific questions before you will almost certainly lead to more meaningful dialogue than an unstructured, “I’m just calling to see how you’re doing” plan. Read More

8 Strong Coronavirus Sermons You Can Preach

In partnership with SermonCentral, here are eight strong coronavirus sermons. Read More

Five Ways to Help Your Kids Worship through Live-Stream

Here is some advice to train littles to join the family for church worship.... Read More

How to Stay Connected When Nothing Is Normal

Instead of looking towards the day where everything will be exactly how it was two months ago, we need to recognize that this is the new normal for this season. Read More

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