
Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday's Catch: Healthy Online Churches and More

Three Approaches for a Healthy Online Church

I want to challenge you to start to think through how to move watchers into your church, a partner church, or maybe a home church, but you need to think through how it all works together. I will provide three approaches to consider as you think through expanding online endeavors, but first, let’s look at some data of what’s been happening with those already streaming their services online. Read More

Harnessing the Potential of an Online Campus [Podcast]

What assumptions have we held onto that 100 streaming churches have proven wrong? Jay details the potential that is stored up in an online campus. We learn the pathway from Community to Core, and how pastoring people online helps drive them to deeper levels of belonging. Listen Now

3 Lessons From a Decade of Teaching Online

Among the many disruptions caused by the coronavirus, church leaders have found themselves suddenly faced with the challenge of shepherding their flocks without actually gathering corporately. This means that churches everywhere, many for the first time, are exploring how to deliver teaching content online. Read More

6 Tips for Overcoming Virtual Meetings Fatigue

What do we do when our minds and bodies start shutting down from virtual meetings overload? Here are six tips to overcome your Zoom/Hangouts/WebEx/Skype/FaceTime fatigue. Read More

5 Steps for Serving Those with Special Needs in Times of Crisis

God calls the church to meet the needs of its people and to serve the community at large, even—and I would say, especially—as these needs change. Here are a few suggestions to help your church care for those with special needs during this time of crisis.... Read More

6 Needs to Anticipate When the Church Gathers Again

It may be difficult to imagine right now, but the glorious day is coming when God’s people will again be able to gather—physically—to worship together. How can your church help make that a success? Read More

What If Our Church Attendees Showed Up at the Same Time? Five Thoughts

As we wait to return to our in-person worship services, let’s start addressing this issue before the stay-at-home recommendations lift. Here are five thoughts.... Read More

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