
Saturday, April 04, 2020

More ZOOM Privacy and Security Tips

Zoombombing: What it is and how you can prevent it in Zoom video chat

Improve your Zoom security by following these steps. Read More

How to prevent Zoom bombing: 5 simple tips

Internet trolls are crashing Zoom video conferences and flooding them with inappropriate content. Here are easy ways to protect your meetings from Zoom bombers. Read More

5 things you can do today to make Zooming safer

Here are our top 5 “things to get right first” – they shouldn’t take you long, and they are easy to do. Read More

Check these privacy and security settings before your next Zoom video chat

Some privacy tips will go a long way to protect you on Zoom video chats. Read More

Every Zoom Security and Privacy Flaw So Far, and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

You may prefer to not use Zoom after reading this article. For my part, I continue to rely on it, sometimes daily. However, many people—perhaps tens of millions—have to use Zoom for school and work. Given that not using it isn’t an option for them, I want to offer advice on configuring it as safely as possible. Read More
I strongly recommend making a check list and using it until securing your ZOOM Meeting or ZOOM Chat becomes second nature. 

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