
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Effective Online Gospel Invitations and More

5 Ways to Give an Effective Online Gospel Invitation

One of the key aspects of serving this new audience well is giving an effective gospel invitation online. Here are several applicable practices to keep in mind.... Read More

7 Things the Coronavirus Hasn’t Changed

In this time, it’s particularly important and especially precious to consider and celebrate the things coronavirus can’t touch; the unchanging, unshakeable realities that haven’t changed, because, according to the Bible, they cannot and will never change. Read More

Can a Constraint Be Beautiful? Some Thoughts for Leaders

We are in a season of constraint. As a pastor, we are constrained from gathering physically. We are constrained from using all the resources the Lord has given us – from the facility to the events we have had to cancel. We are constrained from lunch meetings where development conversations occur, from face-to-face counseling appointments, from weddings and funerals, and from so much more. Read More

Ten Questions Every Church Leader Should Be Asking About Finances During COVID-19

Last week we took a look at what I think every church leader should be asking about church attendance during the COVID-19 crisis. This week, let's shift to what you should be looking at in regards to generosity, budgeting and giving during this time. Read More

7 Top Concerns of Pastors during COVID-19

When LifeWay Research spoke with pastors about how the coronavirus was impacting their church, they also asked: “As pastor, what are the pressure points you are feeling most right now? In what ways could you most use support?” Here are the seven most common responses and some quotes from the pastors themselves about the topic. Read More

3 Questions to Help See Jesus in the Old Testament

When we study the Scriptures, it should always be in light of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection (Luke 24:27). Many of us understand how this shapes our reading of the New Testament, but we need some help with the Old Testament. Here are three questions to encourage your congregation to ask when reading the Bible Jesus read.... Read More

How to Manage Stress During the Coronavirus Crisis

Because stress can affect how we feel, think, and behave, our ability to manage stress can have a profound effect on how we deal with the current coronavirus crisis. Before we consider ways to manage stress, though, we need to develop a better understanding of what stress is and how it affects us. Read More

Handling Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Video]

The COVID-19 pandemic has struck many with fear, depression, and anxiety. Join this roundtable discussion with biblically trained counselors as they discuss some practical ways to address these issues that come as the pandemic progresses. Watch Now

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