
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Simple Church

Now, in this time of “shelter in place” and “quarantine”, people are asking me how we can do church without a building. How will we do worship if we don’t have the screens, lighting and multi-media support? Where will we put the children if we don’t have a building? Where will the students hang out?

For all of the talk about the church not being the building but the people, our anxiety reveals our true beliefs. For most of us, the building is the church.

Church is the place where we meet God. Church is the place where we share our burdens and joys with our brothers and sisters. We connect with friends and we hear the songs of the faith. Place is important. After all, God created place.

Yet, church is more than place. Rather, the gospel creates its own space. Sometimes, it’s in a building. Sometimes, it’s not. Read More
During the coronavirus crisis the gospel is expanding its space online as more and more churches are gathering there. Many of the things that we assumed were essential to worshiping God are turning out not to be necessary as we once thought--buildings, church ornaments, vestments, and that sort of thing. We are discovering that we can hear God's Word, pray for God's world, celebrate the Lord's Supper, and show God's love together even though we are separated from each other physically. 

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