
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday's Catch: A 'Painful Opportunity' and More

How the Pandemic Is a 'Painful Opportunity' for the Church

How should the the church be postured for change during this season of ministry? What kind of pruning should congregations welcome amid the impact of the coronavirus? Read More

Using the Coronavirus for Missionary Training

There’s so much about our current circumstances that resemble the experience of living cross-culturally. So, this post suggests 7 ways you can use the coronavirus quarantine for missions training. Even if you have no plans on moving cross-culturally, your ability to understand the missionary life will increase your empathy and equip you to maintain a more missional lifestyle. Read More

4 Steps to Equip Your Church to Be Good Neighbors

Social distancing is our current reality, but that should not keep our churches from embracing the Great Commandment and living on mission. In fact, now is the perfect time to encourage our people to demonstrate compassionate care to their neighbors. Good neighbors doing good works leads to goodwill that opens the door for the good news. Read More

The Most Urgent Things for Churches to Put in Place Now

What are the most urgent things we can be doing as the church is scattered? Here are 10 things that you should have in place already—if you don’t, you are late and it is time to get going. Read More
This article is a repost. But it will not hurt to read it again. You may notice something which you missed the first time that you read it.
What Does the Bible Say about Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is a very real problem in the United States and the rest of the world. Domestic abuse and child abuse often go hand in hand. Read More

Pastoring A Small Church Is Not A Penalty, It’s A Specialty

Small churches are not a sickness to overcome, a problem to fix, or a theological error to correct.... Read More

The Pressure on Pastors During Covid-19

Pastors are dealing with a lot of pressure right now, and many of the pressures today are unlike whatever they’ve experienced in the past. I was able to look through many of the comments pastors left when a recent LifeWay Research survey asked what pressure points they are feeling most right now. Below are some answers that helped me better understand how to pray for church leaders during this season. Read More

4 Tips for Livestreaming a Funeral Service

Funeral homes have experience livestreaming funeral services and will have great advice to share during a crisis like this. However if you yourself are hosting a livestream of a funeral there are several things you should know. Read More

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