
Thursday, April 02, 2020

Thursday's Catch: The Ripple Effects of the Coronavirus Outbreak and More

Few Churches Plan to Gather for Easter, Most Already Have Stopped Meeting

The coronavirus outbreak has had ripple effects across the country, including in U.S. churches, according to a new study of pastors. Read More

5 Predictions for the COVID-19 Aftermath

A friend recently asked me how I expect life and ministry to change in the aftermath of COVID-19. And I’m sure many of you wonder the same thing. I claim no prophetic gifting. I just read and speak with experts much smarter than I am. Based on those interactions I generated five tentative predictions, phrased in seemingly contradictory pairs. Read More

Best Practices for Church Planters During COVID-19 [Podcast]

The coronavirus caught the world off guard. Church planters are scrambling to restructure our churches around nationwide lockdowns, overwhelmed medical communities, looming economic recessions, and health risks. For all the advantages that come with living in the information age, there are no handbooks on how to plant and pastor churches during a global pandemic. Listen Now

A Challenging Word for Churches from USA Today

We’re responding now in new ways, but I still wonder what that will look like on the other side of the crisis. Here are some possible ways to maintain our Great Commission urgency post-COVID-19.... Read More

How to Help Members Deal with the Pain of a Dying Church

Revitalize and Replant often talk about dying churches and the pain it creates for members. Thom Rainer and Kevin Ezell discuss best practices for leaders to utilize as they help members of a dying church deal with the pain. Listen Now
2020 will see the demise of a sizable number of dying churches. One of the tolls of a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic is that churches which were struggling at the beginning of the crisis will have have disappeared before the crisis subsides. This is what happened to a number of churches when Hurricane Katrina struck their communities. Even those churches that survived the hurricane and its aftermath were seriously weakened.
14 Hymns of Hope to Sing during COVID-19

COVID-19 has upended life for billions. This unusual season brings countless trials, pressures, and pains. And yet, we trust that God has important lessons to teach His people during such disorienting days. One of those lessons is that no matter where we are, whom we are with, or what is happening in the world, believers can and should sing to our Savior. Read More

Tips for Parents Who Are Suddenly Homeschooling

Everyone’s situation will be different, but hopefully this advice will help you in these crazy days. Read More

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