
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Thursday's Catch: 'We Are All Children Now' and More

"Peace! Be still!"

We’re All Children Now

The necessary heart condition for receiving God’s grace is acknowledging our need. Read More

4 Critical Modifications for Online Easter Followup

This Sunday will likely go down as the most unique Easter service in the history of your church. While a lot of things will be different than we are used to one of the most important things will remain the same. Read More

How Churches Are Winning and Losing During the COVID-19 Crisis

Churches have had to pivot hard and shift in a direction they weren’t going. Read More

What Kinds of Churches Will Survive the Pandemic?

Which churches will thrive, which will struggle, and what is the way forward? Read More

Does Stay-in-Your-Car Worship Comply with Stay-at-Home Orders?

Church, state, and health officials across the country disagree about drive-in services. Read More

3 Suggestions for Trimming Budgets in Tough Times

To be clear, these are suggestions based on what I think is biblically informed prudence. My desire is that these recommendations will be generally helpful for churches – and even individuals and families – to apply the wisdom of the hard-working ant by preparing for what may be a frosty winter ahead of us (Prov 6:6-8). Read More

Universalism and the Pastor: Parchman Lecture Series | Truett Seminary

A look again at so-called universalism in the New Testament. Read More

Credo: Early Christian Creeds as Apologetics

Christians have always summarized their beliefs in forms that are memorable and easy to pass on to new believers. The Christian faith is a confessional faith. Read More

3 Replicating Habits of Spiritually Healthy Pastors

What we need more than activity is to make sure we’re replicating the life of Jesus into another person. The following three habits build discipleship into our daily decision-making. Read More

You Have Time to Read the Bible!

Here are three suggestions for reading the Bible more during this crazy time. And we know this is good for us. We know that in times of uncertainty we can stand on the certain and sure foundation of His Word. Read More

5 AWESOME Family Game Ideas!

In an effort to help your family with fun ideas during this season of quarantine, here’s a list of five family game ideas that we enjoy.... Read More

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