
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Your Church's Online Front Door and More

8 Elements Your Church Website Must Have Right Now

In "normal times" a good church website was very important (see next article). During the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing it is critical! Read More

The Front Door Churches Often Forget

Seven out of ten guests will go to a church website as a determinative factor in where they will choose to visit. Read More

Ways to Keep Online Easter Visitors Engaged

In this COVID-19 stay-at-home culture, it’s critical to keep your Easter guests interested and watching your church services online. What does visitor follow up and connection look like in an online world? Here are six ways to keep your Easter guests engaged.... Read More

Ed Stetzer: 3 Shifts to Increase Outreach

Three changes we can make to better reach our communities. Read More

On Christians Spreading Corona Conspiracies: Gullibility is not a Spiritual Gift

As followers of Jesus, we are people of the truth. Falling for (and spreading) conspiracy theories does not honor the Lord, but it does cause people to question our judgement. Read More

Did You Fall For A Coronavirus Hoax? Facebook Will Let You Know

In a new move to stop the spread of dangerous and false information about the coronavirus, Facebook will start telling people when they've interacted with posts about bogus cures, hoaxes and other false claims. Read More

The Absurd Case Against the Coronavirus Lockdown

Of course we should want to open the economy, but the case against initial shutdowns is unpersuasive. Read More
One is prompted to wonder at the motives of those who attack the necessity of the public health measures that state and local governments have implemented to slow the spread of the corona virus in the United States and to reduce the number of the fatalities from the COVID-19 pandemic in light of what we do know about how the virus spreads (see This 3-D Simulation Shows Why Social Distancing Is So Important and How Coronavirus Hitched a Ride through China.) Their attacks show how politics and cognitive distortion are complicating the US response to the pandemic. Will those who dismiss the need for these measures and urge the premature reopening of the US economy be held accountable for any upsurge in corona virus deaths?
The Pandemic Lockdown Is a Godsend for the Indian Church

COVID-19 took away our usual Easter. But I believe it could also spark the first revival in India in a century. Read More

The Coronavirus Risk Calculation Every Church Must Make

One of the most important considerations for our churches when we are allowed to gather together again is the likelihood we will expose our congregations to the virus. What is the risk of exposure to our people? How can we know? Read More

9 Habits to Develop Now to Lead the Post-Coronavirus Church

What lessons will God teach you through this time? Read More

Arduous Exercise Can Lower Immunity, so Don’t Overdo It during the Pandemic

During the pandemic, social media has encouraged people to dive into fitness challenges. With extra time on their hands, exercise buffs are taking up running and streaming high-intensity interval training, with the goal of reaching their fittest level ever. But there’s a case to be made for keeping things in check. Moderate levels of exercise benefit the immune system. Going beyond that, however, could weaken it, which is not a good thing with the coronavirus sickening and killing people around the world. Read More

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