
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: COVID-19, Complacency, and More

As Lockdowns Drag On, Is It OK to Ease Up on Social Distancing?

Hand-washing and mask-wearing seem to continue to be top of mind, but staying at home — not so much. Read More

The Things You Need to Think About Before You Reopen Your Church

As states across the U.S. begin to lift their stay-at-home orders, churches have a lot of things to take into consideration as they prepare to welcome people back into their sanctuaries. Read More

4 Phases for an Orderly Return to Church

As church leaders, we shepherd God’s people, and a large part of our role is to protect, to anticipate, and to act on behalf of the sheep entrusted to us by God. Read More
The eagerness with which some church leaders are anticipating the re-opening of their churches reminds me of my oldest grandnephew when he was a small boy. He was fascinated by water. On one occasion I took him to the aquarium in New Orleans. It is located on the river front. When my grandnephew saw the Mississippi River, he ran headlong toward it. Only a flimsy rail separated him from the river, no barrier to a small boy excited about seeing his first large river. Fortunately for him and for me, he was wearing reins. With the reins I kept him from plunging into the river. When churches re-open, church leaders are going to need reins too so that their churches do not become nexuses for the spread of the coronovirus.
How To Display Lyrics On Your Camera Feeds

Whether your church is running a live stream for viewers at home or in other remote locations, or you have a projection screen in the church and want to display lyrics to hymns or scripture, you can do so easily using EasyWorship and NDI output functionality for vMix or OBS, which are popular live streaming software programs. Read More

Change Your Zoom Background to Engage Kids While Teaching Online

Did you know you can change your Zoom background while hosting online kids church (how-to instructions below)? You can be teaching from outer space, under the sea, or even in front of the city of Jerusalem, and you don’t have to use the same background the entire time. Using virtual backgrounds on Zoom is not only fun, but you can also use this feature as a teaching tool. You can easily change the background in the middle of your teaching to engage kids and involve them in the story! Read More
Some Zoom users may not be able to use the background option unless they have a green screen. Due to the high demand green screens are in short supply. A screen screen may be improvised from neon green poster board held together with neon green duck tape.

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