
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Ways to Step into the Marathon of COVID-19 Response and Recovery

As we continue to find ways to adapt our lives and ministries amidst changing pandemic realities, there are still ways to stay engaged and involved as we seek to serve and care for our neighbors, churches, and communities. While our movements and face-to-face interaction may be momentarily limited, our ability to serve those around us doesn’t have to be.

Over the past two months, students in our M.A. Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership (M.A. HDL) program at the Wheaton College Graduate School have had the unique opportunity to apply what they’re learning about emergency management, disaster response, and caring for the vulnerable as they take action to respond to the challenges created by COVID-19.

Their responses offer a template for how all of us can step into the marathon of COVID-19 response and recovery. Here are five ideas, drawn from their experiences, for how you can serve your church and community in this time. Read More

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