
Monday, May 04, 2020

Are Churches behaving Like Malls in the Age of Amazon, Just Hoping for People to Shop Again

As the world slowly re-opens on the other side of COVID, a question for you today.

Are churches behaving like malls in the age of Amazon, just hoping for people to shop again?

The mall and retail industry, which, pre-COVID, already had its share of challenges and decline, is not in denial that whatever normal emerges from this post-pandemic world, it will not be kind to retailers.

Sometimes it feels to me like mid-pandemic church leaders are behaving like pre-pandemic retailers, banking everything on people returning once things are normal again.

I’m surprised by the number of comments, messages and emails I get from leaders who assure me that people are just waiting to gather again and everything will be fine.

Well, yes. But not so fast. And not so absolute. Read More

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