
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Considering When and How to Reopen Your Church

A panel of public health & ministry experts share their insights on navigating this next COVID-19 phase.

Over the past few months, many of us have been waiting for the moment that our churches reopen their doors and we can gather together again in person. As many states slowly begin the process of reopening, churches face a new kind of challenge: deciding when and how to return to their buildings and, once there, how to adapt traditional practices for ongoing safety.

Last week, HDI held our first in a series of webinars on the topic of Considering When and How to Reopen Your Church, in partnership with the National Association of Evangelicals. We gathered a team of experts in a Town Hall format to frame the conversation and speak directly to the pressing questions as we enter this new phase.... Learn More
I have not had an opportunity to read and evaluate the HDI manual, "Guide to Reopening Church Services: A Step-by-Step Biblically-Based and Research-Based Approach to Resuming In-Person Ministries." I recommend that pastors and other church leaders evaluate the manual in light of the summary of CDC's recommendations for churches posted on the Gospel Coalition website and the most recent peer-reviewed research into COVID-19 and its transmission, including the transmission of infectious diseases by aerosol particles. The more we learn about COVID-19 and how it may be transmitted, the more effective we can make the measures that we take to mitigate its spread.

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