
Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday's Catch: Easy-to-Overlook Considerations for Reopening and More

10 Easy-to-Overlook Aspects of Church Reopenings

Here are a few considerations for reopening that could be easily overlooked.... Read More

How to Combat Online Child Sex Abuse during COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19, how can schools and ministries mitigate the risk of child sexual abuse through online virtual instruction? The list below suggests current best practices. Read More

Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You

For church leaders and elder boards everywhere, the last few months have presented a near-constant array of complex challenges related to shepherding a church during the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest complex challenge is perhaps the trickiest yet: how to prudently resume in-person gatherings. Read More

A Guide to Keeping a Positive Attitude During Quarantine

A counselor’s advice on how to avoid grumbling and be an encourager.... Read More

How to Make Worship Services Better Right Now [Podcast]

Thom and Sam Rainer and Jordan Richmond discuss practical ways leaders can make worship services better right now. Listen Now

This Is Why Choirs Might Need to Stay Silent for a While

Based on an extensive study of a COVID-19 outbreak in a chorale in Washington state, churches that reopen should use caution when it comes to choirs and even congregational singing. This week the CDC issued a report about disease transmission among the Skagit Valley Chorale, which held two-and-a-half-hour rehearsals in Mount Vernon on March 3 and March 10. An alarming 87 percent of members later became sick, and two died. Read More

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