
Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday's Catch: The Future of Church Planting and Multisites and More

COVID-19 and the Future of Church Planting and Multisite

We don’t know what the church is going to look like when this is all said and done, but we do know that it will be different. Here are some things to consider when looking to the future of church plants and multisite. Read More

What Do Worship Leaders Do in a COVID-19 World

For two years I served on our state convention staff in the area for equipping worship ministries and leaders for our 500 churches. As I woke up this morning, I was burdened for worship leaders specifically in this COVID-19 world. I had ten fresh thoughts on how worship leaders can lead well in this season when there aren’t really “worship services” to lead. Read More

Church Website Objectives – Making Your Church Website Work For You

There are three primary church website objectives and numerous secondary objectives that you need to consider and then put into your church website. Those objectives are to attract, inform, and inspire. Read More

Emptied by Coronavirus, Churches Convert Their Sacred Spaces into Food Pantries

The closure of mosques, churches, synagogues, gurdwaras and other faith-centered buildings has provoked conversation and innovation about what it means to gather and serve as a worship community. For many congregations, online attendance has soared; others have watched members drift away, dissatisfied by remote prayer. Some places have focused their communal work on service. Read More

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