
Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday's Catch: No Going Back and More

Going Forward Means We Can’t Go Back

"But we can’t go back. Normal doesn’t exist anymore. There’s only the future now and moving forward means we can’t go back." Read More

4 BIG Questions To Help You Successfully Re-open Your Church

I’ve read a couple of good posts with more detailed lists of questions we should be asking from “Do we pass the offering plate anymore?” to “What about serving coffee?” These lists are great and very much needed. In this post, I’d like to offer something different. I’d like to give you 4 big questions that are more macro in nature. Read More

How Caffeine Might Make you a Better Leader

I’m a leader. I want to maximize my brain power. And I care about how I treat my body. I don’t drink coffee or tea, yet I do strategically use caffeine with diet caffeine drinks and 5-Hour Energy (Disclaimer: I am in no way related to the company who produces 5-Hour Energy). I believe my strategic use of caffeine has helped enhance my cognitive resources as a leader. In this post I look at three areas: what caffeine does to your brain, cautions about its use, and how to strategically use it. Read More

Giving an Effective Online Gospel Invitation

One of the key aspects of serving this new audience well is giving an effective gospel invitation online. Here are several applicable practices to keep in mind.... Read More

Zoom Tips for Newbies

Are you new to Zoom? Video conferencing can be a great way to keep people engaged, even when we’re practicing social distancing. Read More

Tallahassee Churches 'Bear One Another's Burdens' through City-Wide Virtual VBS

Joy Allmond describes how Tallahassee churches are partnering with each other across denominational lines to offer a virtual VBS program for children in the Tallahassee area this summer. Read More

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