
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Issues in Pandemic America

Each of the articles to which I have provided a link below touches upon an important issue in pandemic America. Whether or not we are willing to accept it, we have entered the COVID-19 era. The virus that has been ravishing the United States and other countries is not going to mysteriously disappear overnight. It is likely to be with us well into the next century even if an effective vaccine is developed. While a number of church leaders who post articles, podcasts, and videos on the internet speak hopefully of a time that they describe as “post-COVID-19,” I believe that they are whistling past the graveyard. COVID-19 is not going to go away anytime soon if ever. Diseases that have afflicted humankind since ancient times still threaten us even in this day of modern medical science. While medical science has given us new tools with which we can battle these diseases, we still must rely on older methods such as quarantine to prevent their spread. Take a look at these articles. The issues upon which they touch will shape the COVID-19 era. They are issues with which we must wrestle whether we like it or not.

2 California Churches Identified as Potential Coronavirus Hot Spots After Holding Mother's Day Services
Social Distancing Is Not Enough
There Are 3 Things We Have to Do to Get People Wearing Masks
Trump’s seeding of a culture war over masks just got a lot less subtle
5 ways to prevent another 100,000 coronavirus deaths in the US (and beyond)
‘An international example of bad judgment’: Local officials stunned by raucous Memorial Day festivities
Missouri health officials call for self-quarantine of partiers at Lake of the Ozarks

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