
Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday's Catch: Disagreement over Church Reopening Plans and More

6 Ways to Respond When People Disagree with Your Church Reopening Plans

Now that shelter at home policies are lifting in many areas of the country, leaders are facing maybe the toughest decision of all in figuring out what their church’s re-entry plan will be. And if you’re a church leader making that decision, I have bad news for you: No matter how much research and time you put into your decision, there will be some who completely disagree with it. Read More

Staged Re-Entry After Shutdown: Here’s How Churches Will Do It

Readers of this blog will be leading churches of all sizes, in states with different regulations and time tables, and congregations with different personalities. But let me share a little about what I’m hearing in the hope that it may give you some ideas that will work in your particular situation. Read More

Which Network Is the Best Fit for Your Church Plant?

Throughout 2020, Exponential will focus on the critical missing piece needed to start a church-planting movement in the West: the Great Collaboration, the third “Great” that Jesus commands us to obey in Scripture. We are to make disciples (the Great Commission), as we love God and others (the Great Commandment) while working together in unity (the Great Collaboration). One of the best ways to achieve greater impact for the kingdom is through networks. Read More

Ligonier Ministries: All Teaching Series Now Free to Stream

As a result of the global health crisis, churches are canceling Bible studies, small groups, and Sunday school classes. Pastors and elders around the world are thinking about new ways to bring God’s Word to their congregations. Fathers and mothers want to care for their children’s souls. This truly is an unprecedented time. To serve growing Christians around the world, Ligonier Ministries is here to help you maintain your daily growth and the discipleship within your family and community. Read More

8 Tips to Collect a Virtual Offering 24/7

We live in a digital age now with a virtual offering, but our skillset to lead a powerful offering moment probably needs a little support. Here are some tips to increase your confidence and the enjoyment of those longing to connect with God via generosity. Read More
The emphasis that some churches placed upon the offering time was a big turnoff for many first time guests. They left the church after the service, thinking, "All that church is interested in is money." They didn't come back. We want to encourage people to give but we don't want to turn them off to our churches.
The Church Has Left The Building

Consider these five “church” activities that we often engage in easily and freely when we gather together but can struggle to engage in our homes along with some ideas for how to simply and easily add them into our “healthy at home” life.... Read More

How Will the Lord's Supper Served?

In four questions Thom Rainer asks readers how will the way their churches celebrate the Lord's Supper and distribute the communion elements change as they return to in-person services. Read More

5 Clues that Point to a Change in Small Group Strategy

How do we know when it is the right time to change small group strategies? Mark Howell identifies 5 clues that point to a need for a change in small group strategy. Read More

3 Online Church Tools Every Pastor (and Worship Leader) Needs Yesterday

Welcome to the new reality of the online church, online small group and ZOOM video conferences galore. These 3 in-stock items (at the time of this writing!) from Amazon will up your video game immediately. Read More

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