
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: What Christians Should Know About QAnon and More

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About QAnon

About three-quarters of U.S. adults (76 percent) say they have heard or read nothing at all about QAnon. But while they may not know the name, they have likely seen QAnon propaganda on social media (President Trump has frequently retweeted QAnon-related accounts on Twitter, and some parenting and lifestyle “influencers” promote the views on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook). Although it’s still on the fringe, Christians should be aware of the threat this political cult poses to the global church. Read More

Tools for Better Thinking

Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems. Learn More

5 Expectations of the Post-Pandemic Church

There will be no going back to a pre-pandemic church. This is because those who were reached during the pandemic and those we hope to reach when it’s over will demand something different. In fact, the nature of the divide between a pre-pandemic church and a post-pandemic church will be about what people will expect from a church. Here are five expectations that people will have of your church.... Read More

The Reopening Challenge

I recently read of a church in Texas that wanted to reopen so badly that it met social distancing guidelines by limiting seating capacity to 25% and then took reservations for those few seats. I’m sure that facemasks and hand sanitizer were in full play. I have no idea what, if anything, they did for children. Nor can I imagine. Other churches are forging ahead with “drive-in” services in parking lots. Most are simply staying online until this mess is over. But what then? Across the U.S. and around the world, churches are wrestling with how and when to reopen. There are at least three dynamics to consider.... Read More

How to Communicate Your Reopening Strategy to the Community

As stay-at-home orders continue lifting across the United States, many churches are reopening. One of the ways church leaders can mitigate the fear some may have about returning to a public gathering like a church service is to communicate all the things your church is doing to provide the safest (and healthiest) experience possible. Not only should churches communicate their reopening strategy to their members, but they also need to communicate to the community at large. Read More

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