
Friday, May 22, 2020

The Original 2020 Is History. 7 New Disruptive Church Trends Every Church Leader Should Watch

So, in light of everything that’s changed and been disrupted so far in 2020, what the future church trends should you be watching as a leader?

I usually do a church trends post every January, but with the almost surreal events of 2020 unfolding as they have it’s time to rethink what’s ahead again. Hence a fresh post outlining 7 trends to watch.

Crisis, after all, is not just a disruptor, it’s an accelerator.

Some of the changes that were likely arriving in 5-10 years (like the normalization of remote work) arrived in days.

The shift from facility-entered ministry to home-based ministry happened in hours.

And while there will be a return to some version of normal, normal as we knew is likely gone, at least for a while. It’s hard to go back to normal when normal disappeared.

And because the future is unkind to the unprepared, the best thing a leader can do is prepare.

Disruption is hard because disruption is inconvenient. It’s far easier to keep doing what you’re doing hoping for better results or going back to normal as quickly as possible to regain what you’ve lost.

The good news is that leaders who embrace change, who find the energy, passion and time to keep pivoting will likely end up advancing their mission in the future.

So what are the new 2020 church trends you should watch in what is shaping up to be a very pivotal year?

Here are 7. Read More

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