
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Concerns, Questions, Investments and More Questions

9 Concerns Pastors Have about Their Church Gathering Again

LifeWay Research spoke with around a dozen pastors to hear their largest concerns or fears about beginning to welcome their congregations back for in-person services. Here are some of the concerns they shared. Read More

As Churches Re-Open: Are We Asking The Right Questions?

With all the growing questions about how churches will emerge from this crisis, Dawn Nicole Baldwin – our growth strategist at Cooke Media Group – is asking different questions. In fact, her thoughts were so important, I wanted her to share them with my readers.... Read More

5 Ministry Investments Your Church Should Consider Making Right Now

As the church reopens, here are five investments your church and mine should consider making right now, so that we can see those investments pay great dividends as we minister to people. Read More

11 Questions I Never Thought I'd Ask in Ministry

Today, I’m just thinking about questions I never thought I’d have to ask in ministry, like.... Read More

20 Questions to Ask Before Kids Come Back to Church

There will be things that are new to everyone as we walk into this new normal. It's important to think through what your strategy will be when they return. What should you do? What should you not do? Your answers to these questions can help you formulate what your strategy will be. Read More

How the Fall Affected Evangelism

From the account of Adam and Eve’s fall in the garden, there are at least four reasons why believers may not be sharing the gospe. Read More

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