
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Preparing for the Second Wave and More

Is Your Church Prepared for Future Pandemics? 6 Things to Do Now

How should we prepare now for the second wave of COVID-19 or another future pandemic so that we, as the church, won’t be caught off guard? Here are steps I would urge you to take.... Read More

100+ People Get Coronavirus After Service at Church in Germany

Over 100 people connected to a May 10 service at a church in Germany have tested positive for COVID-19. Those who contracted the virus either attended Evangelical Christian Baptist (ECB) church (located in Frankfurt in the state of Hesse) or came into contact with someone who did. German officials are now trying to trace everyone who took part in the service that day. Read More

Key Takeaways from CDC Guidelines for Church Reopenings

Here are some key takeaways, but pastors and church leaders should read the entire guidelines to best prepare their congregation. Read More
As well as a link to the CDC's document, Interim Guidance for Communities of Faith, I am including a link to the State of California's COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Places of Worship and Providers of Religious Services and Cultural Ceremonies. I recommend that church leaders compare the two sets of guidelines and adopt the more stringent guidelines. The CDC's recommendations for churches have been diluted. The recommendation that churches adopt a phased-approach to regathering has been omitted. The language is ambiguous in a number of places. Its ambiguity may cause churches to take less stringent precautionary measures than they should.

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