
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Safety Precautions for COVID-19 and More

Safety Precautions for COVID-19

Churches gathering is unwise and perhaps reckless. Read More
Do church leaders who are reopening their churches fully appreciate the infectiousness of COVID-19, its toll in human suffering and death, and how easily the virus is transmitted from person to person?
Mistakes to Avoid When You Gather Again

Five things you’ll miss if you step back into the past when you step back into your building. Read More

How to Handle Church Communications as You Consider Reopening

Matthew L. Watley: Tips for internal messaging, marketing and public relations for your church. Read More

Three Thoughts on Navigating Potential Conflict in Reopening Church

As churches plan out the next few weeks and months of church life and prepare policies and procedures surrounding masks, distancing, and hugs, every Christian should consider a few biblical reflections to prepare for their church’s reopening plans. Read More

5 Tips for Leading Worship With a Small Team

Leading worship with a small team of musicians is a real challenge and considering the majority of churches in the U.S. are two-hundred people or less this is a challenge most worship leaders face. Whether you are regularly responsible for leading worship with a small team or only occasionally, here are five tips that will help you make the most of your Sunday worship. Read More
This article and the next two articles are applicable to online services as well as in-person gatherings. Leading worship online can be even more challenging than leading it from the chancel or platform. Sam Storm's article is a repost but it is worth reading again. Praying and worshiping with uplifted hands can be done at home as well as in a church sanctuary or worship center.
9 Skills to Move From Singing Songs to Leading Worship

Worship leaders, we’ve gotten really good at leading songs but not leading worship. Read More

10 Things You Should Know About the Lifting of Hands in Worship

Lifting of hands is part of worship in many churches. Worship involves our bodies as well as our hearts and minds. Our posture tells a story. It makes a statement to God and to others about the state of our souls and the affections and passions of our heart. Read More

2 Questions for Personal Pruning during a Pandemic

I want to invite you to join me in a personal pruning exercise that boils down to two questions I’m asking God and myself during this season. Read More
I do not share Mark Dance's overly optimistic view that the pandemic is winding down. A number of states have seen upticks in COVID-19 cases and deaths following their reopening. China and South Korea are experiencing resurgences of the virus. The World health Organization is warning that COVID-19 may become endemic. The governor of Tennessee which borders my state has extended its state of emergency. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in my county has been steadily climbing and was 43 as of last report, a figure that represents only the tip of the iceberg of COVID-19 cases in the county.
The Pivot in Our Mission: Find the Style That Excites You

How can we create momentum for evangelism that will cause believers to engage? Read More

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