
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Repurposing Your Church and More

Repurposing Your Church during the Pandemic [Podcast]

What does it mean to repurpose your church? What would it look like to repurpose during this time of change within the church. Listen Now

Questions for Church Planters About Reopening

When we’re ready to reopen worship gatherings, we must navigate concerns regarding our facilities. Here are a few questions to ask before you reopen your church plants. Read More

Ministering to Healthcare Workers in the Midst of a Pandemic

One of the groups that the current crisis has put in the spotlight is healthcare workers. While healthcare workers have always had a crucial role to play in serving their communities, our current crisis has made us much more aware of their role and of the unique challenges they face in a time like this. Since we all have stay-at-home orders, what can we do to help such people? Actually, a lot. Read More

Am I Cursed? How Do I Make Sense of Failure and Suffering?[Video]

In today's episode Pastor Mbewe addresses the issue of curses. Is failure or a lack of success in academics or business, a long wait for marriage or the loss of a child the result of curse? How should we understand curses and what are they? Watch Now
In today's multicultural societies in Canada and the United States the issues that Pastor Mbewe addresses in this video are more relevant than we might think.
3 Considerations for reopening Your Student Ministry

The silver lining to this pandemic is the opportunity to truly step back and evaluate how we can best reach this generation of students and their families. Now is the time for student pastors to dream about what ministry looks like in mid- or post-pandemic culture and put those plans into action. Here are three points to think through as you do this. Read More

The Way We Shape These Days is Shaping Us

These days of confinement present us with a unique opportunity to reassess our personal and domestic habits; to give structure to our formless days. Here are some suggestions than might help us shape our time in a way that conforms us and our households to the likeness of Christ. Read More

The “New Normal” and the Same Old Story: Evangelism in a Virtual World

Even with the challenges, there are amazing opportunities in online evangelism. We can instantly reach many people at once with the gospel—not just friends, but people whom we might never meet this side of eternity. And right now, people really are listening. Read More

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