
Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday's Catch: On a Learning Curve and More

Five Lessons I Am Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic

I have been in full time vocational ministry for over 35 years, the last 15 as Lead Pastor of a multi-campus, multi-ethnic church in Central Florida. I have made developing leadership skills a priority throughout my ministry. I have studied church models, listened to leadership podcasts, read both business and church leadership books, and felt that I had developed into a decent leader and knew what needed to be done to reach people and see them grow in their faith. All of that changed in March 2020. Read More

Theological Triage Is for Church Members, Too

Many church disagreements over non-essential doctrines don’t turn out that well, and I’ll admit to having been a party to sinful dialogue over such matters myself. How can a pastor promote theological triage—a method of ranking doctrines as essential, secondary, and tertiary, first proposed by TGC Council member Albert Mohler—as a pathway to maturity and unity in the body? Here are three ways I’ve tried to do it over the years. Read More

The Truth About Angels and Demons Is Staring Us in the Face

"Michael Heiser’s books cut through the myths and legends surrounding these supernatural beings." Louis Markos wrote this review of Heiser's books for Christianity Today. He is professor in English and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University and holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities. His books include Heaven and Hell: Visions of the Afterlife in the Western Poetic Tradition (Cascade Books). Read More

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