
Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday's Catch: A Prayer Guide for Reopening Churches and More

10 Ways to Pray for Your Church While Preparing to Reopen

As you’re navigating relationships with people who hold various opinions on how and when churches should reopen, and you’re evaluating your own approach to in-person ministry, use prayer to guide you. Read More

7 Reasons Many Believers Are Lonely, and What We Leaders Might Do about It

This week’s Time magazine has an interesting article on the epidemic of loneliness among Americans, preceded by and now exacerbated by the COVID pandemic.[1] I’m convinced, though, that loneliness marks the church, too – which is quite odd, given that Christianity is a relationally-driven faith. Here’s why I think loneliness hits believers, too, followed by simple suggestions for dealing with it.... Read More

COVID-19 Is Making America's Loneliness Epidemic Even Worse

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, public-health experts were concerned about an epidemic of loneliness in the U.S. The coronavirus has exacerbated that problem, with most face-to-face socializing for people still under lockdown orders indefinitely limited to members of their own households. For the 35.7 million Americans who live alone, that means no meaningful social contact at all, potentially for months on end. Read More

Never Waste a Good Sermon: 6 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Message Content

Here are at least six ways to stretch the reach of a good sermon beyond the single weekend service.... Read More

Three Easy Steps to Assess Your Church’s Communication Strategy

As we move to a more digital-focused world, your church’s communication strategy will become more critical as you navigate this new terrain. Your church’s communication strategy will be the roadmap to helping you determine what effective communications will look like for your church and congregation. In this post, we’re going to walk you three key questions that will help you hit the pause button and take a step back to assess your church’s communication strategy. Read More

Sharing Jesus with Mormon Missionaries

Trying to reach Mormons with the gospel is a tricky endeavour. Read More

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