
Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday's Catch: Church Self-Investigation and More

Why Churches Should Not Investigate Themselves

Churches investigating themselves protect themselves from investigation. Read More
It is the nature of the beast. Survival of the institution will take precedence over uncovering the true, especially if the truth may harm the institution.
Americans Don’t See Human Life as ‘Sacred’—But See Humanity as ‘Basically Good’

A new study finds that a majority of Americans no longer believe human life has intrinsic value, with six out of ten rejecting the idea that “human life is sacred.” Yet a majority also say that humans are “basically good.” Read More

Tear Your Sermon In Half 

It's a daring move: slash your outline! Your congregation will love you, and they'll remember more. Read More

Microsoft Teams is Worth a Look

The pandemic has many working at home for the first time and organizations are struggling to keep this new crop of remote workers connected and productive. Congregations and their small groups are also struggling to find meaningful ways to connect while in-person gatherings are heavily restricted. If your organization uses Office 365 (now named Microsoft 365) you have access to an incredibly powerful tool called Microsoft Teams. Odds are you’ve had access for a while and just didn’t know it. Read More

New Research Explores How Conservative Media Misinformation May Have Intensified the Severity of the Pandemic

The three studies paint a picture of a media ecosystem that entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking steps to protect themselves and others. Read More

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