
Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday's Question: Theological Questions about Regathering and More

4 Theological Questions Your Church Has about Regathering

Here are a few responses to the most common theological questions we’ve seen arise out of COVID-19. If members of your church aren’t voicing these, they’re probably thinking about them. That’s why we encourage you to be introducing and leading these conversations within your congregation. Read More

Five Reasons Churches Will Have an Incredible Window of Opportunity

As congregations return methodically to in-person services, something else will be taking place. It will be obvious to some churches; it will be more subtle to others. Simply stated, churches will have an incredible window of opportunity to make substantive and positive changes. Read More

Sometimes It’s Best To Express Your Wisdom in Silence

The story of Apelles and the presumptuous shoemaker has been passed down through the centuries for our reflection and edification. It is a tale worth telling today. Read More
In my childhood I frequently heard these proverbial sayings, "A still tongue in a wise head," and "An empty vessel makes the most sound." I learned to do my homework before I expressed an opinion on a subject.
4 Brain Hacks that can Make You a Better Leader

I love leadership and I love learning about the brain. A few years ago I finished an executive masters in the Neuroscience of Leadership which resulted in my fourth book, Brain-Savvy Leaders: the Science of Significant Ministry. As I’ve immersed myself in learning how our brain affects life and leadership, I’ve learned a few short cuts, or hacks that have helped me lead better. Consider these 4 brain hacks that just might make you a better leader. Read More

Keep Witnessing. God’s Still Pursuing.

Will we, in our post-Christian culture, reclaim our confidence and conviction in the God who speaks and acts and who is, as C. S. Lewis said, “the transcendental Interferer”? Will we show the world, not in a triumphalist or pushy manner but by word and deed, that receiving Christ as Lord makes all the difference—the only truly lasting difference—in our individual lives, our cities, and our world? Read More

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