
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Face Masks - An Ethical Decision and More

An Ethical Case for Wearing a Mask during This Pandemic

Our nation and the wider world is experiencing a once in a lifetime generation-shifting moment. Throughout all of this social upheaval and global health crisis, some are beginning to protest the simple guidelines to wear a mask in public on theological grounds or even out of a sheer rebellious spirit. While there are some obvious reasons that some might not wear one given health concerns, a rebellious or contentious spirit should not be one of them. But the Christian moral tradition calls us to not only love God but also to love our neighbor even if that means having foggy glasses or receiving weird stares. Read More

What Does the Road Ahead Look Like?

Churches are beginning to reopen in many states and routes forward are being plotted. In our conversations with churches, we are repeatedly hearing leaders wrestle with how to continue to gain momentum with their virtual ministries while at the same time relaunching their in-person experiences. This won't be easy. Read More

Controversy and Coronavirus Keep Church Plants Out of Schools

Church of the Highlands’s expulsion in Birmingham has some pastors worried about growing scrutiny. Read More

Five Ways to Honor the Past While Not Losing the Future

We do not know our history like we once did—biblical history, family history, and our nation’s history. Why should we care? History gives meaning to traditions. History gives purpose to church practices. History gives insight into culture. History contains all the chapters leading up to the current narrative in the church. You cannot create an enduring story without history. Church leaders can—and should—honor the past. We can do so without losing the future. Read More

The Power of Double Listening

Double listening . . . is the faculty of listening to two voices at the same time, the voice of God through Scripture and the voices of men and women around us. These voices will often contradict one another, but our purpose in listening to them both is to discover how they relate to each other. Double listening is indispensable to Christian discipleship and Christian mission. Read More

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