
Thursday, June 04, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Supreme Court Rejects Pandemic Restriction Challenge and More

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Pandemic Restriction on Church Services

The Supreme Court recently rejected a challenge to a California pandemic policy restricting occupancy in churches to 25 percent of building capacity or no more than 100 attendees. Read More

What Did Bach Sound Like to Bach?

Scholars look to recover the original soundscape of the composer’s work. Read More

What Does Summer 2020 Look Like for Children’s Ministries?

Summer is typically one of the busiest times for children’s ministries, but this summer will obviously be different. For most churches, VBS and camps have been canceled. Weekly programming has not resumed. How do you do children’s ministry in a summer that will be so very different? Read More
I must admit to some ambivalence in posting a link to this article. In her article Jenny Smith encourages a lot of contact between children such as back yard Bible studies, parties, and that sort of thing. With a lot of infectious diseases children are major spreaders. The role of children in transmitting COVID-19 is not clear. Children can have the same virus load as adults. While some children, if they become infected with the virus, display no or mild symptoms, others can develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome that affects blood vessels and arteries. For children with immunological disorders or undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia and other forms of cancer COVID-19 is life-threatening. I would recommend that church volunteers and parents exercise caution in implementing her suggestions.
How to Avoid Sacrificing Evangelism for Discipleship (and Visa Versa)

Sadly, churches often emphasize or focus on one of the two at the expense of the other. They either drive hard toward being a church that reaches people who are far from God, or they concentrate on the growth of those within the church who already know the Lord. Rare is the church that has a biblical attitude and approach toward both. Read More

9 Steps to Reaching the Unchurched

When I first became a believer, evangelism meant “cold call,” door-to-door telling people about Jesus. That approach actually still works in some contexts, but it’s not the norm. Here are some steps to reaching the unchurched today. Read More
Chuck Lawless posted this article on his blog in 2017. How might we adapt these principles to this time of social distancing.

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