
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Creation Care and More

The Common Nighthawk
Caring for Our Animals, Caring for Their Habitat

We are assigned by God – from creation on – to superintend and care for this world and its animals. Read More
I often saw common night hawks, night jars as my English grandparents called them, bull-bats as the locals called them, in southeast Louisiana when I was a teenager and a young man. I am saddened to hear that they are disappearing. They were a common sight at dusk where I lived.
Time for the New Normal

This pandemic has shaken the world—so much sickness, death and economic destruction. Our first concern should be the hurting, but we eventually do need to consider life after the pandemic. And I’m concerned about life after the pandemic, but my concern is in a direction that may surprise you. Read More

Positive Trends, Social Realities, and the Future of the Post-COVID-19 Church

Many churches have at least temporarily adapted to COVID-19 restrictions, and the conversation among church leaders has moved on to ponder what the church and its ministries might look like after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted (or at least eased). My concern is that most churches are asking good questions... in the wrong order. Read More

Relationships in the Time of COVID-19

We are genetically wired for socialization, for working and being together. Thus, COVID-19 poses a particular challenge to us as humans. By socially distancing ourselves to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, we are going against our natural instincts and psychological needs. Read More

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