
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: What Hath Gondor to do with Geneva? And More

What Hath Gondor to do with Geneva?

I would like to focus here, however, on providing a shorter and less technical answer to the the questions some Reformed Christians have about fantasy literature. Read More

9 Things to Consider as You Plan to Reopen Your Church

How to approach a new season with boldness, creativity and innovation. Read More

The Five Most Common Ways Churches Are Adding Space for Social Distancing

Churches are slowly beginning to reopen and are desiring to be responsible and safe. Listen in as we discuss the five most common ways churches are adding space for social distancing. Read More
Thom Rainer and Church Answers operate from the assumption that all churches that are reopening are "desiring to be responsible and safe." This assumption was mentioned as one of their positions in one of their webinars. But based on what I have been reading in the comment sections on Church Answers and other websites, including Facebook, and my own observations, I question whether it is an accurate assumption. I believe that we can reasonably say that most church leaders do within the limits of their knowledge of COVID-19, how it spreads, and what precautionary measures a church should implement to protect its congregation and its community. But for a number of church leaders responsibility and safety may not be their primary considerations in reopening their churches. Other factors may be influencing their decision to reopen their church.
Registering to Attend our Church Service...REALLY?

If this sounds foreign or you think I have just lost my mind, allow me to explain the WHY (or the madness) behind this method. Read More
In previous generations those who were intending to receive Holy Communion were required to submit their names to the minister in advance of the service. In parishes of the Church of Scotland the elders examined those desiring to receive Holy Communion and gave an admission token to those whom they considered to be in a fit enough spiritual state to receive the sacrament. The Conference of Bishops of the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom has instructed parish priests to require advanced booking for seats at celebrations of the Mass, as well as omit hymns and shorten sermons. While some attendees may chafe at the idea of having to reserve a seat for a service, it adds another layer of protection between the congregation and the community and the COVID-19 virus.
6 Reasons Churches Don't Disciple Well

I believe more and more churches are working harder at what most churches call “discipleship” (which I define here as leading believers to obey everything Jesus commanded), but many churches still struggle with this task. Perhaps one of these reasons will help you to understand where/how your own church might work to improve your discipleship process.... Read More

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