
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: COVID-19 and White Evangelicals and More

White Evangelicals’ Coronavirus Concerns Are Fading Faster

But when it comes to behavior, evangelicals are as likely as the rest of the country to keep up social distancing, according to Data for Progress survey. Read More

Why You Should Never Take the Mass

I want to give you three reasons why you should never, ever take the mass! Read More
The Catholic Church practices closed communion. Only Catholics in good standing may receive communion at Mass. Consequently I was surprised to hear that people were asking whether they should receive communion at a Catholic Mass.

The Catholic Church's Code of Canons is quite specific about who may receive communion at Mass. Only under extremely extenuating circumstances may a Catholic priest offer the communion elements to a non-Catholic.

The Catholic doctrines of eucharistic presence and sacrifice have no basis in Scripture albeit Catholic theologians will argue that they do.

While the ecumenical-minded may disagree, both from a Catholic perspective and a Protestant perspective it is not appropriate to receive communion at a Catholic Mass.
What If You Struggle to Forgive Yourself for a Past Sin?

Have you confessed your sins to Christ? If yes, then you are forgiven. Whether or not you have doubts, whether or not you have a subjective emotional sense of “feeling forgiven” is irrelevant—the fact is, if you have done what 1 John 1:9 says, (and unless God isn’t telling the truth!) you are forgiven. Read More

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