
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Coronavirus: Singing Church Members 'Miss Companionship'

Churches and chapels in Wales are waiting to hear when they can reopen - but members say they will miss the companionship of singing together.

Scientific evidence suggests singing increases the spread of respiratory droplets, thus increasing the risk of spreading coronavirus among a crowd.

Churches in England opened for the first time since lockdown last Sunday, but singing was not allowed.

The minister of a Welsh church in London said it was "very strange".

"It was a great experience to be back on Sunday," said the Reverend Aneirin Glyn, of the Welsh Church of St Benet, in the City of London.

"But we didn't get to sing or offer after-service refreshments.

"We're very fond of singing as Welsh people, and it was very strange not to be able to sing as part of our worship."

Rev Glyn said some members had recorded hymns to play during the service, but "we could not sing with the recordings". Read More
I bookmarked this article yesterday evening to post this morning. The attitudes of the people mentioned in this article is so different from those of the Americans about whom I published my most recent article. The later is resentful of the measures that are recommended for their own protection and the protection of others. Some talk as if it is their God-given right to do as they please irrespective of the consequences to themselves or others. Their attitudes are what one might expect to find in a rebellious adolescent, recycling through the developmental stage of the "terrible twos," not a mature adult.

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