
Friday, July 03, 2020

Friday's Catch: Learnings from the Church Lockdown and More

The Church Lockdown is Lifting: What Have We Learned?

Whether partially or completely, churches and religious groups are starting to meet again across the country. More staff members are coming back to the office, and outside our safety precautions, things may be getting back to normal soon. However, before we leave the worse part of the pandemic behind, it’s worth reflecting a little on some points that may well become continuing conversations in the future. Here’s four key areas I’d like to see discussed more in the coming year.... Read More

Why Younger Evangelicals May Feel Uneasy in a Patriotic Church Service (Repost)

The first time I ever questioned the appropriateness of a patriotic church service was when I was doing mission work in Romania. Read More

87 Percent of Practicing Christians See the U.S. as a Leader to the World

While the Fourth of July offers a time for the U.S. to celebrate the Declaration of Independence, it also provides space for us to look back on our country’s history—the good and the bad—to sharpen the lens with which we envision its future. Recent Barna data might deepen this crucial reflection during a season of disruption and change in the nation. Read More
This is the doctrine of manifest destiny which was adopted to justify US expansionism in the late nineteenth century. It was claimed that Americans were God's chosen people and it was their God-given destiny to expand the territories of the United States outside of North America and to play a leading role in world affairs. It has no support in the Bible which recognizes only two groups of people as God's chosen people--the people of Israel and the Church of Jesus Christ which is composed of people from all the nations of the world. One of its champions was President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.
5 Steps to Breaking Ongoing Sin Patterns in Your Life

Do you know people who struggle with recurrent sin patterns? Are you that person, even as a church leader? If so, here are some steps to breaking those patterns. Read More

Teaching Remotely Is Hard. Studying Jesus Can Help.

Four practical ways teachers can keep impacting their students as they teach through a screen. Read More

7 Great Ways to Teach Kids to Pray

Getting to know God on a heart level involves talking with Him, not just learning about Him. Children talk naturally with their friends and family. Wouldn’t it be exciting if we could teach kids to pray and talk to God just as easily! Read More

Instagram From Your Desktop Made Easy

Technology is on the big and splashy and all the ways to get services filmed and streamed, etc., do not forget the power of less splashy, but potentially equally powerful tools such as Instagram. Instagram is a visually compelling social media tool—over 1 billion people a day access it the app. True, there are a lot of selfies and celebrity pictures on Instagram, but it can also be a way to push out inspirational messages, scripture, quotes, and challenges. And here’s the best part: And you can do them these things without touching your phone; you can do Instagram from your desktop computer. Read More

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