
Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday's Catch: The Spiritual Danger of Nostalgia and More

Our Nostalgia Is Spiritually Dangerous

Why we shouldn’t worship the golden calf of the ‘pre-COVID’ days. Read More

Church Planters: How Do You Find The First 50?

Experienced pastors share the key insights into gathering a core group and launching a new church. Read More

Ministering to Wounded and Straying Sheep in a Pandemic

As COVID-19 has caused many churches to temporarily worship virtually, our gauges for the spiritual health of congregants have become muddled. Recent data also shows a decrease in online church attendance. How can church leaders—pastors, deacons, and Bible study leaders—wisely minister to straying and wounded believers in these socially distanced times? Read More

For People with Special Needs, Every Church Is ‘Accessible’ Now

The modifications we’ve made for this crisis could continue to serve people who need them long after the pandemic has passed. Read More

Dealing with the Glitch

Every plan has a glitch! Read More
This article reminded me of one of the "outlandish sayings" that the seventeenth century Anglican poet-priest George Herbert collected: "Every path has a puddle." For adults puddles are inconveniences. For kids, however, they are tons of fun. You can splash in the edges of them, ride your bike through them , look for tadpoles in them, and float little boats made from chips of wood on them. If the puddle was a small one, I would jump over it. If it was a large one, I would put on my rubber boots and wade across the puddle. Yes, puddles are tons of fun.
Four Immediate Effects of COVID-19 on Your Church’s Communication

In this post, we’re going to look at four immediate effects of COVID-19 on your church’s communication and how you can retool your communications to adapt. Read More

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