
Friday, July 17, 2020

Music and Singing in Church: Recommendations According to Phased Reopenings


Music is a gift from God, given to all creation. It is a means of connecting with God and with one another by unifying not only our thoughts and understanding, but also our heartbeat and breath.

Worship of the Triune God involves our whole being.

Music is fundamental and integral to Christians’ worship experience. Worshipers are actively involved in the musical expression in worship, whether it is by singing, playing, dancing/moving, or listening.


Praising the Lord is a scriptural mandate (see Psalm 150, among many other scriptural references), and a primary way in which most Christians have “praised the Lord” is to sing together. When singing becomes a public danger, most of us immediately jump to questions such as, “How else can/should we praise God?” However, during this “singing quarantine,” it is important to think about and remind ourselves why we sing. Below are some key questions we should all be asking before moving on to the “how” or “what” questions.... Read More

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