
Thursday, July 09, 2020

Thursday's Catch: How to Reach a Younger Audience Online and More

3 Steps to Reaching a Younger Audience Online

We are all probably tired of hearing about COVID-19. This pandemic was unexpected but whether we like it or not this is our new reality. However, one positive change we have seen is an increase in churches who are offering services online. There is a lot of good that can come from having an online presence for your church. Read More

Don’t Post That! How Fake News Impacts Generational Discipleship

The term “generation gap” is a pretty common one: It refers to the perceived differences between generations. In the past, I have emphasized the word “perceived” when talking about age segregation in society and the church. But lately an important real, not perceived, difference has taken on a great deal of importance in society. This is a difference based on one’s understanding and grasp of social media, how it works, and how to engage with it properly when it comes to fake news. Read More

5 Reasons Why Some Churches Won't Recover

In the coming year, we’re going to see more churches close their doors than we have in any other period of modern history. Read More

The Best and Worst Practices for Social Media, Why Online Ministry Is about More than Streaming Content, and Where Social Media Is Going in the Next Few Years [Podcast]

Facebook’s Nona Jones returns to the podcast to talk about the best and worst practices churches and organizations use on social media, why online ministry is about more than just streaming content, and what the church and social media will be like post-COVID. Listen Now

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