
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Church Planting in Japan

Churches in the Graveyard: 10 Plants in 10 Years in Tokyo

If the parable of the sower were set in East Asia, South Korea’s soil would be rich and lush. China’s would be weedy but productive. And Japan’s would be blood-red and rock-hard. Read More
When the ground is rock-hard, those wishing to plant seed must look for those patches of ground where the wind and the rain have turned the rock into soil and plant there. The first crop may die and the second crop too. But when they decompose, they will produce humus that will fertilize the soil.
3-Point Evaluation for the Strength of Your Leadership

If you lead with your heart, people can connect with you. If people connect with you, they will trust you, and if they trust you, they will follow you. Read More

3 Ways to Use Zoom Breakout Rooms in Your Bible Study

Now that groups have discovered the ease of using an online meeting tool such as Zoom, it may be time to take advantage of a neat feature: breakout rooms. Read More

3 Topics Students Desperately Want to Discuss--But Churches Avoid

In the church—and in student ministry specifically—we absolutely must address topics our teenagers want to discuss in order to teach them how Scripture comes to bear on the issues closest to them. Read More

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