
Thursday, August 06, 2020

91 People Get COVID-19 in Connection with Ohio Church Service

At a press conference Tuesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine shared a graphic demonstrating how a 56-year-old man who attended a church service in Tuscarawas County spread COVID-19 to 91 people. One surprising aspect of the chart was how few of the people who contracted the virus were in what we have understood to be the high-risk age group.

“It spread like wildfire. Very, very scary,” said DeWine. He noted, “We’ve been very careful throughout this pandemic to exempt religious services from any regulations. The only exception to that is that we’re now asking people who attend church to wear a mask. But it’s vital that to control the spread of the virus that any time—any time—people get together, including for religious services, that everyone wear masks, practice social distancing, wash their hands and also while indoors, make sure there’s good ventilation and air flow.”

The governor said he would be sending a letter to Ohio’s faith-based communities providing the latest health information and sharing measures by which faith leaders could protect worshipers. “We know that our faith-based leaders want nothing more than to protect those who come to worship,” said DeWine. “We want to provide our faith communities with all the information we can from doctors and health experts to arm them with the tools to conduct services safely. Our religious faiths are at the core of our great state and our great country. We thank our faith-based leaders for all they do to serve God and God’s people.” Read More

Image Credit: Tuscarawa County Health Department

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