
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Create a Virtual Choir (Band, Praise Team, Orchestra) Video

During the COVID-19 period, churches have been looking for ways to keep their choirs and other musician groups engaged despite being sheltered-at-home. Several churches have introduced virtual choir videos to Facebook, their worship streams and more. I have had several questions about how to do this. I decided to venture out and do one myself. Below, you will find my way of producing this video. It could be done in a much more complex and beautiful fashion if I had more time or if I was an expert. Honestly, I had never used this video software before this project, so I was limited in my capabilities. Nonetheless, I believe with some effort, a very useable expression of worship may be produced that will encourage others, build community and provide something you can use in your online worship. Obviously using a group smaller than the 50 that were involved in this project would exponentially reduce the time needed to produce this. ENJOY!

UPDATE: Within a few hours of premiering this video on Facebook, the views and shares are growing exponentially. This makes me aware of how a project like this can reach around the world to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to a world that is looking for hope right now. The outreach impact of this project may be far more than I had first thought. I am encouraging our choir to share this and hold watch parties to reach more people with this powerful message. Read More

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