
Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday's Catch: The Right Administration of the Sacraments and More

More Than a Shibboleth

While professing a commitment to the God-ordained means of grace is right and good, it is altogether possible for pastors to neglect vital biblical nuances concerning the administration of the ordinary means. It is obligatory for us to be committed to a right administrationof the ordinary means of grace, and not simply that we are committed to them. By neglecting to emphasize the right administration of the means of grace, we may allow error to fly under the radar of what becomes a mere Shibboleth. Read More

Five Reasons Why Church Adoption and Church Fostering Are Such Important Movements

Adoption and fostering are two important and powerful words because they describe two distinct but closely related movements that are important and powerful. Why are these terms so important? Even more, why are the movements behind them so important? Here are five reasons.... Read More

5 Groups of People Your Church Must Reengage

How can we serve the people who don't come back? Read More

What is the Difference Between Justification and Sanctification? [Video]

What is the difference between justification and sanctification? Why is it important to articulate the distinctions between these two doctrines rather than merging them together? Can a Christian be justified without being sanctified? Do we merit our sanctification or is it given to us? In this video, Matthew Barrett explains several notable distinctions between the doctrines of justification and sanctification and how both play significant roles in the lives of Christians. Watch Now

Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener

It is one thing to hear, but another thing to listen. Good communication and healthy relationships depend upon not only on hearing the words other people say, but on carefully listening to what they mean to communicate. To listen is to love. Read More

No, Nicaea Didn’t Create the Canon

Ideas have consequences. One idea that has yielded dangerous consequences is the notion that the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), under the authority of Roman emperor Constantine, established the Christian biblical canon. Read More

How to Use the Bible on Your Phone

Having access to the digital Bible is a tremendous blessing for the church, and yet, this resource is often undervalued. Even as there are many reasons why you should open the Bible in print, here are five advantages to reading it on your phone or computer. Read More

8 Things That Change When Church Members Are Discipled

Recognizing that no strong discipleship church is likely to show all these characteristics, here are some changes I’ve seen when churches do focus on this discipling task.... Read More

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