
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: How Your Space Speaks and More

How Your Space Speaks: Who Is Welcome Where

Over the past two decades, research has shown that spatial constructs can intentionally and unintentionally create spaces where ages are not likely to intermingle effectively leading to age segregation. Read More

How to Build Community While Worshiping Online

Around half of church leaders struggled to create engaging interactions through online services – something I’ve found people long for, in my research on religious use of the internet. Read More

A Missional Meal: The Digital Practice of the Lord's Supper

While “virtual” implies presence in the online platform which may be defined by the lack of materiality, this separation is not so clear in a Coronavirus world. Read More

Returning to the Heart of Worship

Your church may have restarted physical gatherings or soon be about to. Some churches are a few weeks into this uncomfortable experience—no singing, mask-wearing, spaced out seating. It’s not surprising that some people have been thinking, “We waited four months for this?” Maybe you’re still joining in worship online for the time being. Read More
Some folks will take longer than others to realize that churches are not going to go back to the way they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, even those churches that are clinging doggedly to the past. The world has changed and is changing and these changes will eventually impact them one way or another. How we do church is far less important than how we follow Jesus. In the COVID-19 era Jesus, not church, will be our primary concern. The two are not synonymous. The way we have done church over the centuries has changed but Jesus is the same--yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Personal Evangelism When Personal Space is a Premium

Social distancing does not need to slow down the spread of the gospel. Read More

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