
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Andy Stanley Defends Decision to Suspend Services and More

The Government Is Not Caesar: Andy Stanley Defends Decision to Suspend Services

Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Church in Atlanta, Georgia defended his decision to continue suspending in-person services in a sermon on Sunday, August 16, 2020. Stanley argued that the church’s decision was not in its best interest, but rather in the best interest of the community and that because of these reasons, the church is following the example of Jesus. They are not, as some have criticized, bowing to Caesar. Read More

4 Ways to Rebuild the Church After COVID-19

The pandemic has caused the church to reexamine the way she serves the community of believers. Many pastors have felt the pain in the weeks that followed an extended period of closure due to reduced attendance, offerings, and gathering times. They have been burdened with trying to figure out the right course to chart in uncertain times. Read More

Stepping Away From Un-Christian Politics

If you’re on social media or are watching the news for more than twelve seconds, you’re sure to spot some sort of rant about politics or a political figure. It has become our habit to mock and insult those authority figures we disagree with. Read More

The 100 Factor of Negativity

Every negative word has the power of one hundred positive words. This idea comes from one of my mentors, Brad Waggoner. He challenged me to rethink the way I communicate, both personally and professionally.Think of encouragement and discouragement on different sides of a scale. One hundred pieces of encouragement weigh the same as one piece of discouragement. In your marriage, in work relationships, and in the church, the 100 factor of negativity is always in effect. If you are consistently negative, then you are digging a dark hole. Negativity has many variants, all of which can turn into gossip. Avoid these more powerful forms. Read More

9 Reflections on Pastoral Care in a Time of Pandemic

Even in the midst of pandemic, we church leaders have to continue providing pastoral care for our sheep. Here are some reflections on this task in these unusual days.... Read More

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